You need access ID when delivering waste to our recycling stations


Customer identification system has been introduced at Avfall Sør’s recycling stations. There are three types of access ID you can use to access the stations: vehicle number plate recognition, QR code scanning and key fob scanning. You can obtain and manage your digital access ID and other customer details using our customer portal Min side.


Skiltnummer på bil i forgrunnen og skiltkamera og port i bakgrunnen.

How obtain your access ID:

Remember that vehicle number plate recognition is the easiest solution — register your license plate number today!

PLEASE NOTE! The customer portal Min side is only available i Norwegian.

What is access ID?

Access ID is a form of customer identification that visitors must use to open the barriers and enter Avfall Sør’s recycling stations.


You can choose between three types of access ID:

Piktogram som viser Bil med et stort eksempel på skilt med bilregistrering under


Registering your vehicle number plate is a simple and efficient way of using access ID at our recycling stations. By using automatic number plate recognition, our customers are identified on entry. The barrier will open automatically.

Piktogram som viser mobil med QR-kode


QR codes are a simple method of using digital access ID at our recycling stations. The code must be scanned at the self-service machine on entry. The barrier will open automatically. 

Piktogram som viser Avfall Sørs digitale adgangsbrikke


Customers with access to the underground waste system can use their key fob as access ID at our recycling stations. The key fob must be scanned at the self-service machine on entry. The barrier will open automatically. 

Who can use Min side and obtain access ID?

  • To gain access to Min side and your access ID, you must be registered as a customer with Avfall Sør, and be a registered property owner in Kristiansand or Vennesla.
  • You will need electronic ID to log into the service.
  • As a customer, you can also share access to the recycling stations with others (e.g., family members and tenants). The person assigned access will receive their access ID by text message in the form of a unique QR code. The access ID is active until deleted by you or the user. Visits to the recycling stations will be registered to your property.

Why we have introduced customer identification

  • Customer identification ensures that the people visiting our recycling stations are households that pay waste collection charges in Kristiansand and Vennesla. As a customer with Avfall Sør, your waste collection charges include waste delivery to Avfall Sør’s recycling stations.
  • Better customer service and more sorting at the recycling stations. Our goal is to reduce the amount of time our employees spend on access control giving them more time to guide visitors in waste sorting. This will in turn improve the degree of material recovery.
  • Better statistics and more efficient use of resources at the recycling stations. Avfall Sør wishes to optimise operation of the facilities when it comes to opening hours, staffing and service.

Other digital services on Min side

  • Visit overview  — see statistics of your visits to the recycling stations.
  • Waste collection calendar  — see your waste collection days.
  • Waste collection history  — see an overview of the number of collections in the current year for the different categories of waste.

Avfall Sør’s overriding goal is to provide good, flexible, digital solutions for our customers. Min side has been an important step in achieving this goal and more digital services will be introduced in the future.

Piktogram som viser skjerm med spørsmåltegn inni

Do you have any questions?

Please contact our customer service center if you’re unsure about anything! 

  • Call us at (+47) 38 17 70 70 or use our chat.
  • Our opening hours are Monday–Friday: 08:00—15:30

You can also see if you can find answers to your questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. When you sell a property in Kristiansand or Vennesla, your active access ID (QR codes, registered number plates on vehicles and shared access with other users) registered at this address are automatically deleted. As the owner of a new home, you must register and collect new access ID. Go to Min side, log in, select property and register your digital access ID.

You can use a QR code as access ID instead of vehicle number plate recognition. We recommend that you put the QR code on your mobile so that you always have it available. There are two ways to do this:

  • Log in to Min side in your mobile browser. Select «QR-kode for adgang til gjenvinningsstasjonen». A larger QR code is then displayed on the screen and this is used for scanning in the self-service machine at the recycling station. You can also download the QR code on your phone and have it available without internet/mobile coverage. On the iPhone (Apple), the QR code is then stored under the folder: files – downloads
  • Log in to Min side on PC. Download the QR code and send it to your mobile.

If you have underground waste containers, you can use your electronic key fob.

There are no plans to limit the number of visits to a recycling station, or charge for the delivery of waste. This is described in the Avfallsplanen 2021–2024 (Waste Plan 2021–2024) which is our governing document. See page 23: «Videreføre at standard bruk av gjenvinningsstasjon dekkes over fastgebyret» («Continue that standard use of the recycling station is covered by the fixed fee»).

You have several choices:

  • Log in to Min side in your mobile browser. Select «QR-kode for adgang til gjenvinningsstasjonen». A larger QR code is then displayed on the screen and this is used for scanning in the self-service machine at the recycling station. You can also download the QR code on your phone and have it available without internet/mobile coverage. On the iPhone (Apple), the QR code is then stored under the folder: files – downloads
  • Log in to Min side on PC. Download the QR code and send it to your mobile.

Yes, as a customer of Avfall Sør, you can share access to the recycling stations with others. The visits are registered on your property.

There are several ways to share access with others:

  • Log in to Min side and select “Adgang delt med andre” (“Access shared with others”). Enter the name and telephone number of the person who will deliver for you. They then first receive an SMS which they must confirm, then they will receive a link to a QR code linked to your address.
  • Log in to Min side and add the registration number of the car of the person who will drive for you. This car then automatically gets access to recycling stations.
  • Let the person borrow your key fob if you have one.

Yes, they can. The landlord can share access to recycling stations with tenants/dormitory residents. The visits are registered on the landlord’s property.

  • Log in to Min side og velg “Adgang delt med andre” («Access shared with others»). Enter the name and telephone number of the tenant/dormitory resident. The person first receives an SMS that must be confirmed, then a link to a QR code linked to the landlord’s address.